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Instruction Steps
  -  'ra' elements forming the interior layer of the right atrium.      
  -  'rv' elements forming the interior layer of the right ventricle.      
  -  'p' elements forming the interior layer of the pulmonary artery.      
  -  'la' elements forming the interior layer of the left atrium.      
  -  'lv' elements form the interior layer of the left ventricle.      
  -  'a' elements form the interior layer of the aorta.      
#001 -  Add p06 (red) to a06 at the 1 triangle labeled (001).
Note: For this model the elements get glued together with the printed sides facing each other and no printing will be visible once the model is finished. If you are confused the video should help ...
#002 -  Add a05 (red) to p06 at the 2 triangles labeled (002).    
#003 -  Add a04 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (003).    
#004 -  Add rv01 (red) to a06 at the 2 triangles labeled (004),
then to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (005).
#005 -  Add rv00 (red) to a06 at the 1 triangle labeled (006),
then to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (007),
then to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (008).
#006 -  Add ra10 (red) to rv00 at the 2 triangles labeled (009),
then to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (010).
#007 -  Add rv02 (red) to ra10 at the 2 triangles labeled (011).    
#008 -  Add rv11 (red) to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (012).    
#009 -  Add ra00 (red) to a04 at the 1 triangle labeled (013),
then to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (014),
then to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (015),
then to a04 at the 1 triangle labeled (016).
#010 -  Add ra01 (red) to a04 at the 2 triangles labeled (017),
then to rv11 at the 1 triangle labeled (018).
#011 -  Add a03 (red) to ra00 at the 2 triangles labeled (019),
then to ra01 at the 2 triangles labeled (020).
#012 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (021) of the p06 and a04 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (022) of the p06 and a03 strips.
#013 -  Add la00 (red) to a04 at the 2 triangles labeled (023),
then to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (024),
then to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (025).
#014 -  Add la17 (red) to a05 at the 2 triangles labeled (026),
then to a04 at the 1 triangle labeled (027).
#015 -  Add la06 (red) to a04 at the 2 triangles labeled (028),
then to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (029),
then to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (030),
then to rv11 at the 1 triangle labeled (031).
#016 -  Add la18 (red) to p06 at the 3 triangles labelled (032).    
#017 -  Add la13 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (033),
then to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (034),
then to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (035).
#018 -  Add ra11 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (036),
then to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (037).
#019 -  Add rv08 (red) to ra11 at the 2 triangles labeled (038).    
#020 -  Add la02 (red) to rv08 at the 1 triangle labeled (039),
then to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (040),
then to ra11 at the 1 triangle labeled (041).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (042) of the la13 and rv08 strips.
#021 -  Add rv06 (red) to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (043).    
#022 -  Add lv05 (red) to rv06 at the 2 triangles labeled (044),
then to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (045),
then to la06 at the 1 triangle labeled (046).
#023 -  Add la16 (red) to a05 at the 1 triangle labeled (047),
then to lv05 at the 2 triangles labeled (048).
#024 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (049) of the lv05 and la17 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (050) of the lv05 and la13 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (051) of the lv05 and la16 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (052) of the a06 and la13 strips.
#025 -  Add ra07 (red) to rv11 at the 1 triangle labeled (053),
then to la06 at the 1 triangle labeled (054).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (055) of the rv02 and la06 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (056) of the rv02 and ra07 strips.
#026 -  Add ra06 (red) to rv11 at the 1 triangle labeled (057),
then to rv02 at the 2 triangles labeled (058).
#027 -  Add la03 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (059),
then to ra11 at the 1 triangle labeled (060).
#028 -  Add ra12 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (061),
then to la03 at the 1 triangle labeled (062).
#029 -  Add la01 (red) to p06 at the 1 triangle labeled (063).    
#030 -  Add p05 (red) to ra00 at the 1 triangle labeled (064),
then to ra12 at the 2 triangles labeled (065),
then to la03 at the 1 triangle labeled (066),
then to la01 at the 2 triangles labeled (067),
then to la18 at the 1 triangle labeled (068),
then to la00 at the 2 triangle labeled (069).
#031 -  Add la07 (red) to ra07 at the 1 triangle labeled (070),
then to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (071).
#032 -  Add lv04 (red) to la16 at the 1 triangle labeled (072),
then to la13 at the 1 triangle labeled (073).
#033 -  Add lv03 (red) to la13 at the 2 triangles labeled (074).    
#034 -  Add lv02 (red) to la13 at the 1 triangle labeled (075).    
#035 -  Add la10 (red) to a06 at the 1 triangle labeled (076),
then to lv02 at the 2 triangles labeled (077).
#036 -  Add rv09 (red) to la13 at the 1 triangle labeled (078),
then to a06 at the 1 triangle labeled (079).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (080) of the la10 and rv08 strips.
#037 -  Add lv00 (red) to rv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (081),
then to rv09 at the 1 triangle labeled (082).
#038 -  Add lv06 (red) to rv06 at the 1 triangle labeled (083),
then to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (084),
then to rv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (085).
#039 -  Add rv03 (red) to lv06 at the 2 triangles labeled (086).    
#040 -  Add rv04 (red) to lv06 at the 1 triangle labeled (087).    
#041 -  Add rv05 (red) to lv06 at the 1 triangle labeled (088).    
#042 -  Add t16 (red) to lv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (089),
then to lv06 at the 2 triangles labeled (090),
then to rv03 at the 1 triangle labeled (091),
then to rv04 at the 1 triangle labeled (092).
#043 -  Add lv07 (red) to t16 at the 3 triangles labeled (093).    
#044 -  Add t31 (red) to lv06 at the 1 triangle labeled (094),
then to lv05 at the 1 triangle labeled (095),
then to lv04 at the 2 triangles labeled (096),
then to lv03 at the 1 triangle labeled (097),
then to rv02 at the 1 triangle labeled (098).
#045 -  Add t30 (red) to lv06 at the 2 triangles labeled (099),
then to lv07 at the 2 triangles labeled (100),
then to lv06 at the 1 triangle labeled (101),
then to lv07 at the 1 triangle labeled (102).
#046 -  Add t33 (red) to lv07 at the 4 triangles labeled (103).    
#047 -  Add t32 (red) to lv03 at the 2 triangles labeled (104),
then to lv04 at the 1 triangle labeled (105),
then to lv02 at the 2 triangles labeled (106).
#048 -  Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (107) of the t30 and lv04 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (108) of the t30 and lv03 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangles labeled (109) of the t33 and lv04 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (110) of the t32 and lv03 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangles labeled (111) of the t33 and lv03 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (112) of the t33 and lv00 strips.
#049 -  Add lv01 (red) to t32 at the 1 triangle labeled (113),
then to t33 at the 1 triangle labeled (114).
#050 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labelled (115) of the t33 and lv00 strips.    
#051 -  Add rv10 (red) to lv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (116).    
#052 -  Add rv07 (red) to lv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (117).    
#053 -  Add la05 (red) to rv08 at the 1 triangle labeled (118).      
#054 -  Add t27 (red) to rv09 at the 1 triangle labeled (119),
then to rv10 at the 2 triangles labeled (120),
then to rv07 at the 1 triangle labeled (121),
then to lv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (122),
then to lv02 at the 2 triangles labeled (123),
then to lv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (124).
#055 -  Add t13 (red) to la10 at the 2 triangles labeled (125),
then to rv09 at the 1 triangle labeled (126),
then to la05 at the 1 triangle labeled (127),
then to la05 at the 3 triangles labeled (128).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (129) of the la05 and lv02 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (130) of the t13 and lv01 strips.
#056 -  Add t12 (red) to la05 at the 1 triangle labeled (131),
then to rv09 at the 1 triangle labeled (132),
then to rv08 at the 1 triangle labeled (133),
then to la02 at the 1 triangle labeled (134).
#057 -  Add t28 (red) to rv07 at the 2 triangles labeled (135),
then to rv01 at the 2 triangles labeled (136),
then to rv03 at the 1 triangle labeled (137),
then to rv10 at the 1 triangle labeled (138),
then to rv08 at the 1 triangle labeled (139).
#058 -  Add t29 (red) to rv03 at the 3 triangles labeled (140),
then to rv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (141).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (142) of the t28 and rv01 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (143) of the t29 and rv01 strips.
#059 -  Add t25 (red) to rv05 at the 2 triangles labeled (144),
then to rv04 at the 2 triangles labeled (145),
then to rv03 at the 1 triangle labeled (146),
then to rv02 at the 1 triangle labeled (147),
then to rv05 at the 1 triangle labeled (148).
#060 -  Add t17 (red) to rv08 at the 1 triangle labeled (149),
then to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (150),
then to ra11 at the 1 triangle labeled (151),
then to ra12 at the 2 triangles labeled (152),
then to ra11 at the 1 triangle labeled (153).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (154) of the t28 and rv00 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (155) of the t28 and rv01 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (156) of the t25 and rv01 strips.
#061 -  Add t26 (red) to rv05 at the 1 triangle labeled (157),
then to rv04 at the 1 triangle labeled (158).
#062 -  Add t22 (red) to rv05 at the 1 triangle labeled (159),
then to ra06 at the 1 triangle labeled (160),
then to rv02 at the 1 triangle labeled (161),
then to ra07 at the 3 triangles labeled (162),
then to ra07 at the 2 triangles labeled (163).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (164) of the t26 and rv02 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (165) of the t26 and rv01 strips.
#063 -  Add ra08 (red) to rv02 at the 3 triangles labeled (166).    
#064 -  Add t21 (red) to rv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (167),
then to ra08 at the 2 triangles labeled (168).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (169) of the t22 and ra08 strips.
#065 -  Add t34 (red) to rv00 at the 1 triangle labeled (170),
then to rv01 at the 1 triangle labeled (171),
then to ra10 at the 1 triangle labeled (172),
then to ra08 at the 1 triangle labeled (173).
#066 -  Add la08 (red) to a04 at the 1 triangle labeled (174),
then to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (175),
then to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (176).
#067 -  Add a01 (red) to la06 at the 1 triangle labeled (177),
then to la08 at the 1 triangle labeled (178).
#068 -  Add p03 (red) to la06 at the 1 triangle labeled (179),
then to a01 at the 2 triangles labeled (180).
#069 -  Add a tab as shown.    
#070 -  Glue together the 1 triangle labeled (181) of the p03 and la00 strips.
Also add the tab to (182).
#071 -  Add la09 (red) to p05 at the 1 triangle labeled (182),
then to p03 at the 1 triangle labeled (183).
#072 -  Add la04 (red) to ra12 at the 1 triangle labeled (184),
then to p05 at the 1 triangle labeled (185),
then to p05 at the 1 triangle labeled (186).
#073 -  Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (187) of the la03 and t12 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (188) of the la04 and t12 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (189) of the la05 and t12 strips.
#074 -  Add la11 (red) to rv02 at the 2 triangles labeled (190),
then to t13 at the 3 triangles labeled (191).
#075 -  Add t08 (red) to ra00 at the 1 triangle labeled (192),
then to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (193),
then to p03 at the 1 triangle labeled (194),
then to p05 at the 1 triangle labeled (195),
then to la04 at the 1 triangle labeled (196).
#076 -  Add p04 (red) to t08 at the 1 triangle labeled (197),
then to la01 at the 1 triangle labeled (198),
then to la09 at the 2 triangles labeled (199).
#077 -  Add t11 (red) to la04 at the 1 triangle labeled (200),
then to la05 at the 1 triangle labeled (201),
then to la11 at the 1 triangle labeled (202),
then to p04 at the 2 triangles labeled (203),
then to la01 at the 1 triangle labeled (204).
#078 -  Add t10 (red) to p04 at the 1 triangle labeled (205),
then to p04 at the 1 triangle labeled (206).
#079 -  Add p00 (red) to la08 at the 1 triangle labeled (207),
then to la09 at the 1 triangle labeled (208),
then to la09 at the 1 triangle labeled (209).
#080 -  Add ra03 (red) to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (210).    
#081 -  Add ra04 (red) to la08 at the 2 triangles labelled (211).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (212) of the p00 and a01 strips.
#082 -  Add t03 (red) to ra03 at the 1 triangle labeled (213),
then to p00 at the 1 triangle labeled (214),
then to p00 at the 3 triangles labeled (215).
#083 -  Add ra02 (red) to t08 at the 1 triangle labeled (216),
then to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (217),
then to t12 at the 1 triangle labeled (218),
then to t17 at the 1 triangle labeled (219).
#084 -  Add t18 (red) to ra11 at the 1 triangle labeled (220),
then to ra10 at the 3 triangles labeled (221),
then to ra08 at the 1 triangle labeled (222).
Also glue together the 3 triangles labeled (223) of the t17 and ra11 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (224) of the t17 and ra10 strips.
#085 -  Add t15 (red) to ra07 at the 1 triangle labeled (225),
then to la06 at the 1 triangle labeled (226),
then to la08 at the 2 triangles labeled (227),
then to la16 at the 3 triangles labeled (228).
#086 -  Add t20 (red) to ra03 at the 2 triangles labeled (229),
then to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (230),
then to ra04 at the 1 triangle labeled (231),
then to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (232).
#087 -  Add ra05 (red) to t20 at the 1 triangle labeled (233),
then to t15 at the 1 triangle labeled (234),
then to t22 at the 1 triangle labeled (235).
#088 -  Add ra09 (red) to t20 at the 1 triangle labeled (236),
then to t20 at the 2 triangles labeled (237).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (238) of the t22 and ra07 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (239) of the t21 and ra07 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (240) of the t21 and ra08 strips.
#089 -  Add t19 (red) to ra09 at the 1 triangle labeled (241),
then to ra05 at the 1 triangle labeled (242),
then to ra09 at the 3 triangles labeled (243).
#090 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (244) of the t17 and ra09 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (245) of the t18 and ra09 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (246) of the t18 and ra05 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (247) of the t21 and ra09 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (248) of the t21 and ra05 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (249) of the t19 and ra11 strips.
#091 -  Add t23 (red) to la09 at the 2 triangles labeled (250),
then to ra05 at the 1 triangle labeled (251),
then to ra08 at the 2 triangles labeled (252),
then to ra07 at the 3 triangles labeled (253),
then to ra09 at the 1 triangle labeled (254).
#092 -  Add t24 (red) to ra05 at the 2 triangles labeled (255),
then to ra09 at the 1 triangle labeled (256/356),
then to ra07 at the 3 triangles labeled (257/258).
#093 -  Add t02 (red) to la09 at the 2 triangles labeled (259),
then to la08 at the 2 triangles labeled (260).
#094 -  Add la15 (red) to t02 at the 2 triangles labeled (261),
then to t15 at the 2 triangles labeled (262),
then to t02 at the 6 triangles labeled (263).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (264) of the la16 and t02 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (265) of the lv04 and la15 strips.
#095 -  Add t14 (red) to la16 at the 1 triangle labeled (266),
then to la15 at the 2 triangles labeled (267),
then to la13 at the 1 triangle labeled (268).
#096 -  Add la12 (red) to lv02 at the 1 triangle labeled (269).    
#097 -  Also glue together the 4 triangles labeled (270) of the la13 and t14 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (271) of the la12 and t14 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (272) of the la11 and t14 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (273) of the la12 and t11 strips.
Also glue together the 3 triangles labeled (274) of the la12 and t13 strips.
#098 -  Add t00 (red) to la16 at the 1 triangle labeled (275),
then to la15 at the 2 triangles labeled (276),
then to la15 at the 1 triangle labeled (277),
then to la09 at the 1 triangles labeled (278).
#099 -  Add la14 (red) to t00 at the 1 triangle labeled (279),
then to t14 at the 2 triangles labeled (280).
#100 -  Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (281) of the t11 and la12 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (282) of the la12 and t10 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (283) of the la09 and t10 strips.
Also glue together the 3 triangles labeled (284) of the la14 and t10 strips.
Also glue together the 4 triangles labeled (285) of the la13 and t10 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (286) of the la12 and t10 strips.
#101 -  Add t01 (red) to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (287).    
#102 -  Add t05 (red) to ra02 at the 2 triangles labeled (288),
then to ra01 at the 1 triangle labeled (289),
then to ra11 at the 1 triangles labeled (290).
#103 -  Add a02 (red) to t03 at the 1 triangle labeled (291),
then to t01 at the 2 triangles labeled (292),
then to t05 at the 2 triangles labeled (293).
#104 -  Add t06 (red) to a03 at the 1 triangle labeled (294),
then to a02 at the 1 triangle labeled (295),
then to a01 at the 2 triangles labeled (296).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (297) of the a01 and t08 strips.
#105 -  Add a07 (red) to t03 at the 1 triangle labeled (298),
then to t01 at the 3 triangles labeled (299).
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (300) of the t01 and p00 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (301) of the a01 and p00 strips.
#106 -  Add p01 (red) to la09 at the 2 triangles labeled (302),
then to t00 at the 2 triangle labeled (303),
then to t02 at the 4 triangles labeled (304).
#107 -  Add p02 (red) to a01 at the 1 triangle labeled (305).    
#108 -  Add t07 (red) to p03 at the 1 triangle labeled (306),
then to p02 at the 1 triangle labeled (307),
then to a01 at the 1 triangles labeled (308).
#109 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (309) of the t02 and p00 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (310) of the t02 and p00 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (311) of the t02 and a01 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (312) of the t00 and p00 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangle labeled (313) of the t00 and p02 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (314) of the t10 and p02 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (315) of the t11 and p03 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (316) of the t10 and p03 strips.
#110 -  Add t09 (red) to p02 at the 1 triangle labeled (317),
then to p03 at the 6 triangles labeled (318),
then to p02 at the 2 triangles labeled (319).
#111 -  Add a00 (red) to t02 at the 1 triangle labeled (320),
then to t01 at the 1 triangle labeled (321).
#112 -  Add t04 (red) to a07 at the 1 triangle labeled (322),
then to a00 at the 2 triangles labeled (323).
#113 -  Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (324) of the t05 and a01 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (325) of the t05 and a07 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (326) of the t05 and a00 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (327) of the t06 and a00 strips.
Also glue together the 2 triangles labeled (328) of the t07 and a00 strips.
Also glue together the 1 triangle labeled (329) of the t02 and a00 strips.
#114 -  Congrats - Finished.